A & P

It has been quite a hard week since last Thursday. MrsPuff is very unwell which has meant some restless nights and just feeling uninspired and have no energy. Today I have been at school re validating my Site Traffic Management Supervisors (STMS) warrant and a little nurse maiding, at work one of my colleagues broke 4 toes yesterday when his foot was run over by a wee digger.
Today was quite full on and this weekend I am on a Photography Course which I have been looking forward to for a wee bit of time. Many years ago I was teaching First Aid for 2 organisations one for the outdoors and one for the community. I enjoyed the opportunity to advance my knowledge and skills spending a little time as a Casual 2nd call Ambulance officer which was a night shift position. 2 of us undertook 4 nights on and 4 off. My favourite subject in A& P was the Human Heart an incredibly interesting organ. This is a page from one of my first A & P books I ever bought,I saw it in a second hand shop and paid $2.00 for it. This book has detailed 3D movable diagrams

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