cherry ripe..

...a memory.

As young children living in Penang we attended a school where French was taught from a very young age.
Every time I see cherries I think of a nursery rhyme I recited as a five or six year old at a school concert.
Mum confirms the details (so not a nostalgic scent of a dream) even down to a white dress made for the occasion with cherries embroidered on pockets and collar points.

Amazing how even after a half century, the words are still remembered ...and here is the rhyme.

Un, deux, trois,
J’irai dans les bois.
Quatre, cinq, six,
cueillir des cerises.
Sept, huit, neuf,
Dans mon panier neuf.
Dix, onze, douze,
elles seront toutes rouges.

One, two, three,
I will go into the woods.
Four, five, six,
To pick some cherries.
Seven, eight, nine,
(To put) into my new basket.
Ten, eleven, twelve,
They will be all red.

(French spellings and translation thanks to google)

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