My Left Eye Is Right

By tantemoe

Mom, Him and Reasons

He's been hanging around since I was born.

We'd spend every Christmas listening to Him sing songs of having a Bluuuue Christmas.
We've listened to Moms adventure of walking the lonesome trail to see Him on T.V. one night in Kirbyville, Texas on Full Moon night.
She'd asked her Uncle Jim if she could walk to Pearls house, "cause Uncle had no tele" and she and Pearl had to see Him.

The history of Mom and her music has always been a great one.
She saw the Beatles in San Francisco while she was pregnant with her youngest Lisa which also is to her delight the name He gave His own Daughter.

Mom is so great and her history will be hanging around for a long time also.
She still has old paper clippings of the sad news of His death.
The C.D is from a trip to His home that I took a while back.
Mom's not been able to make it there yet but I thought it one of the least things I could do for her, since I was able to make it to Memphis T.N.

There is a Beauty There only one can dream about.

And why all this?
Reason Starts Here:-)

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