
Look for the sunshine;
Always look on the bright side;
Even on dark days.

If today were a work day it would have been a 3 or even 4 biscuit day.

Stella's vet was right to be concerned, it was a squamous cell tumour in her toe :( But, as I took her so quickly because I didn't like the look of the blistery thing on her broken nail, it should all be gone before it had a chance to spread. Lots more careful watching for a couple of weeks when they may do another x-ray and if all looks fine then just monitoring every couple of months for the next year.

I'd hoped I was just being my normal over-anxious molly-coddling self but on this occasion that was for the best and the outcome looks positive.

All her other lumpy bits were harmless as usual and all stitches out :)

Thank you so much for all the kind wishes. I'm sure if Stella could come and give you all cold nosekisses she would! xox

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