Wee stones

Outside the front of the cottage there are lots of little stones. I find them fascinating, and love picking them up one by one (quite tricky with my mittens on!) and putting them on the wall. I count them as I do this. I am getting good at counting now. I can say "one, two, three" quite clearly, but then after three sometimes I say nine, and sometimes I say six. I know what counting is though, because when I am asked how many there is of something, I start to count.

Grandma and Grandad came to the cottage today. We had lunch in the Farmers Arms in Muker (which served very good pub food, had an excellent fire going and a very friendly landlady) and I played with some new crayons Grandma and Grandad brought for me. They are extra chunky for small hands and have farm animals on them. There are lots and lots of colours. In the afternoon Mum, Dad, Grandad and I went for a walk down into the village.

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