
By JimBob79

Rain stopped play

Well that's it for another cricket season. A much more successful cricket season than any other before it. The Elbows X1 put up a much better fist of it this year and out of three games we won two and the other, tonight's charity extraordinaire, ended in a drab rained off game as the light closed in very quickly. The end of August, unfortunately, is not really the time to play cricket but a good effort nevertheless. So the fixture was called off before we got to bat which is why I went home and practised my technique in readiness for next season. Although I didn't really need the helmet on I did score 169* but that was mostly down to no bowler and actually no ball....

So my stats this season (after retiring some 9 years ago) were 21*, 0 and a DNB (tonight). Two dropped catches (both tonight - bitterly disappointing as my fielding has always been very good but a well struck red ball coming out of a grey / dark sky well you know...) and one caught. I didn't bowl a single delivery but that's more to do with the yips rather than anything else.

Top effort by Elbows this year organising the games and all for great causes. I fancy a tour to South Africa with the team next year...

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