nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn


Today has been one disaster after another, the least of which was the missing piece from this eBay purchase, which the seller has promised to replace (the reason for photographing it). I had this one as a kid, and my mother never throws anything away, but having searched through several big boxes of lego at home I could only find a few bits. Thankfully some people are more careful about such things.

Said mother came down to 'look after' me today, and also return my van and rats. She was severely delayed by an accident on the M6, and on arrival at my house tripped over the door step (it is a bit stupid) and broke her fall onto the stone floor with her mouth and hand containing the van key. So after a journey via the NHS walk-in centre we ended up in A&E for two stitches to her hand, and she has an impressive bruise above her lip, which is now a bit less swollen than it was earlier. So now she has only one usable hand, and neither of us can drive.

My sister who has been with me with me this week left today, she had to take a bus by herself from the hospital to the train station which was straightforward enough, apart from the brick which was thrown through the bus window half way there. (She has had the full Coventry experience, as she also saw a bloke with an almost empty bottle of rose vomiting at the bus station, and the obligatory rat). Her train had no hot water for drinks, and a man who insisted on smoking a large cigar in her carriage had too be removed by police.

Also I burned my finger on some volcanic soup.

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