the turk returns

By skyedog



The young thieves were opportunists, acting on a whim,
the came ill prepared for a fight. They had heard the tale
of SALADIN`S hidden treasure from an old trader one night
as they drank cheap ale from cracked jugs in an old run down
tavern. "The treasure was brought from the Holyland" said the
old trader, "How the crusader came by it is a mystery, which he
took to his grave" the old man lamented.
"SALADIN has perused the chest for the last half century, and
will continue to do so, till it is returned to the people of Islam".
The old man went into great detail, grasping the young thieves
imaginations. The thieves knew where they would be in the early
hours of the coming morning.

The onlookers looked at the treasure chest held by one of the
thieves.(small enough to smuggle out of Jerusalem by the
crusader after the Templar's defeat).
The thief holding the chest shuffled his feet in the dirt floor, feeling
nervous and afraid, not knowing what to do.
"Put the chest down on the floor" said one of the onlookers.
"And leave the lantern, and go back the way you came".
The second onlooker moved closer to the thief holding the lantern.
"I`ll take that," he said, as he grasped hold of the lantern, the young
thief handed it over, as his friend knelt down to lay the chest on the
ground. "Open it" said the onlooker, "And no tricks" he said.
The thief undid the metal clasp on the chest and opened it
To the surprise of all an over whelming glow of sparking light lite
the whole of the chamber, they peered into the chest.........



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