
By kevinG

Are You Trying On My Clothes?

Woke up and went to the diner with Mom. The cleaning people cleaned in the meantime. I got chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.

Solved the puzzle throughout the whole day but I'll only mention it once for convenience.

Went on a mega food shopping spree with Mom. We bought a lot of food so it should last.

Made myself a roast beef melt for lunch. I with I had pesto sauce and made tomato soup.

Took a shower later really quickly then went to Crossfit.

“Shoulder Press 1RM”
Strict Shoulder Press
For Max Weight (I made it to 85 pounds)
Performance (I did the performance workout today because it seemed easier):
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
GHD Sit-ups (GHD are sit-ups on a platform thingy that makes them harder. I only did 50 GHD and the others on the ground normally)
Kettlebell Swings (I did 35 pounds)

Mom picked me up.

Went home and ate a pint of Tahitian Vanilla Talenti Gelato. Had a few chocolate cookies. Also ate some chips and hummus.

Millie hid under my mom's clothes (pictured). Whenever she does that Mom always says, "Are you trying on my clothes again? You know we're not the same size!"

Going to bed now.


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