Sailing in San Diego Harbour

Another of those days of days. Seem to have had many of them this year especially.

For my 60th birthday Chris gave me a sailing experience in San Diego harbour. This was not any old experience but was aboard the 1992Americas Cup yacht. For 3 hours we cruised the sunlit waters of the harbour taking it in turns to helm this magnificent boat. We also got to grind the winches to hoist the mainsail and assist In changes of course.

The harbour is very busy with pleasure craft, commercial vessels and US Navy ships. The aircraft carrier Ronald Regan was in port for a refit, we sailed close to her as well as under the bows of the US Midway - now a museum and exhibition attraction.

Afterwards we went back onshore for wine, beer and nibbles. We came away with a couple of jackets courtesy of the crew owing to the fact they'd had to cancel the trip we were expecting to go on on Wednesday.

In the evening my brother and his family came over to the apartment for a drink and to watch the sunset before we went out for dinner at Beaumont's in Bird Rock.

Only two days to go to the wedding now, excitement builds but poor Chris's fiancé is in great pain having put her back out today with an innocuous action that can so easily cause these sorts of things to happen. We'll have to see how she is tomorrow. Here's hoping for a significant improvement.

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