
Canna today. We left at 9am. On the way there we saw a large pod of bottle nose dolphins. Then we went into the cliffs to see the Kittiwake and saw some Shags too. Saw another otter as we came into the bay we wanted.
Walked over to the other side to photograph the rocks then back when the tide was low to photograph the sand.

Near the end of the shoot Colin was collecting pebbles which reminded me what day it was and that I needed to do the same! I had figured I'd be able to get an image something like this for today. - That is 'our' boat out in the bay, the Mary Doune. :)

A whole year! A photo everyday! Some admittedly scrapping the bottom of the barrel and a couple only just remembered in time……but one everyday! :0)
When I first started Blipfoto I thought I'd take a photo that 'represented' my day each day but I soon found that that was too much of a challenge particularly with the vast majority of my days being the same!
For a whole year now I have enjoyed this friendly community. I have looked forward to reading people's comments and have been inspired by others photos and journal entries. I would like to be able to give more time to 'visiting' more journals and to thinking about taking my own photos but unfortunately this is not always practical…but one can always live in hope!!! ;)
So… all out there who visit my journal….thank you for your time, your interest and your comments. :0)

Back to the day!
Once back on the boat and armed with a cup of tea from Andy, Colin brought out a big case and said "One last tutorial about the essentials when working in Wild Scotland!", and proceeded to give us a Whisky glass and a sample bottle of Bowmore 12yr old! :)
It had been a lovely day. Dry all day, sunny and warm in the afternoon. We all sat out on deck chatting and drinking whisky. It was lovely, and I can't believe I won't see these people again! :(

On the way back Colin pointed out some more otters in a bay and deer behind. I chatted to Genevieve most of the way back. Then we stopped to see the dolphins again. :)
A very wee and quick dram before dinner tonight.

Dinner: Bread and French onion soup (with a piece of bread with melted cheese floating in it); prawn (langoustine) with various salads and garlic croissants; dessert was a bit of a cross between eves pudding and sticky toffee pudding - sponge with apple and raisins at the bottom; coffee.

When Liz brought out the huge platter of prawns everyone clapped! Then us photo people took photos! Hehehe!

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