Village Show

Village show this afternoon. Flowers, vegetables, floral displays, preserves, cakes and photography. Have you ever seen such big leeks? No photos allowed of the photography exhibition.

I've never entered a photography competition like this before but I had been persuaded to give it a try. A couple of weeks ago I sorted some of my photos out but found it hard to find ones I felt were competition worthy. I printed some and threw them in the bin as my printer didn't do them justice at all, not good enough quality printing. I finally decided to submit five, into four different categories. When I took them down last week and saw some of the other entries I wanted to withdraw mine.

The quality of photography was very high and the quality of printing superb. The exhibition was wonderful. Each category had 1st, 2nd, 3rd, highly commended and commended. I received a commended for my photo of the Tyne in the "Places I have visited" category.

The judge was pro photographer Martin Birchall.

If I enter next year I will have to invest in having them properly printed.

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