
By weewilkie

the wind that ruffles the water, catches the light

Feeling a bit rotten today, a bit blue. A thick head and low on energy.
I decided to go out and see if a walk along the Clyde would freshen me up. Outside there was a strong westerly wind. The clouds were hurried along in the sky above. Sunshine dipped in and out, brightening and dimming my walk. The wind ruffled the surface of the river, and when the sun shone it sparkled and danced among the wavelets. Sometimes we need to be ruffled a little to receive wisdom. For this invisible force to meet this liquid thing, a tumult that catches and twinkles in the light that would be otherwise merely flat and reflective. For there is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in. God bless you Leonard Cohen, dancing there in the peaks and dips and the light, where the air moves fiercely and agitates the water. Today you walked beside me, a thousand kisses deep. It helped.

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