Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Bunnies and running

So my plan for this week was to see if I could run after doing a full day at work.

Well erm plans change it's been a rollercoaster.

Tuesday Mr Mouse phoned me at work to say his Mum had been taken into hospital as she has been vomiting all night. I asked him if he needed me to come home and he said no, but I alerted my Team Leader that I might need to leave. Shortly after I got a text asking me to come home. Tests were on going and we still didn't know what was happening so I phoned in Wednesday to say that I wouldn't be in. God Wednesday was a hard day. They finally decided to operate but for my MIL the risk is greater (health complications and a previous stroke) and it happened that the anesthetist turned up while we were visiting, now Mr Mouse doesn't like hospitals at the best of times but hearing the potential dangers and his mum affiriming her pervious DNR request still stands it was all a bit much for him. Surgery was scheduled for 8pm by 10pm she still hadn't had the op. One very late night. Thursday I woke up an I just needed some me time so I went for a run and left a confused Ferd at home. Rang in again, we were all exhausted. Operation was a suscess, no complications and recovery going well. I even made it to work on Friday.

So no after work running, but I did still manage to get out. It's good to get me time and it's a good way to get me time.

This morning I was determined to go to parkrun and so off Ferd and I went setting off early so he could have a little run off lead first. Erm Ferd the road is closed, I don't have car garmin, er let's hope the diversion actually takes us to somewhere near where we want to be. Er why is the bus now stopping? Er the bus is stopping again. Come on bus what's the hold up I need to be somewhere and I am starting to worry I won't make it in time. Bus driver gets out and quizzes van driver parked on side of road, bus driver then comes to me 'do you know how to get to the station?' Er no idea I'm just following the diversion signs. He eventually gets someone who gives him the answer wooohooo cause where I need to be is pass the station so follow that bus, while panicing that time is getting on. And phew made it in time, but not enough time for Ferd to have a run around.

And we're off. Ferd slow down. Ferd. Ferd with me. Ferd slow. Ferd. Ferd. We settled into a pace, looked at garmin, whoa I'm flying this is too fast surely. But ok seem to be doing ok.

Fast 1k 6 minutes 34 seconds. OMG.

And hit the bit along the river and that's when it went I bit pear shaped. Oh lungs hurt again, what is that pollen/pant I'm smelling me no like and I feel irritated. Oh maybe this was the cause last week as well cause I don't have this problem running along the canal at home and I don't smell what ever that plant is at home, ummm anti histamines next week I think. Then a stop for dog related business. So a little walk to get the legs moving again. And then another stop, lungs hurt. Right 3k done pick up the legs again to run past the start/finish. And drop back to a walk and get peeved with some people who have finished their run and walking home, in the way, I have a dog it's not so easy to steer me and him past them. Please have a thought for us slower runners.

Right get cheered on by the marshals 'come on purple' in recognition of my top not my face. Along the canal, Ferd no you're no going swimming. Ferd sorry you can't have a drink, there will be lots of puddles in a minute. Pick up the pace and run again. I am determined to finish, I had almost called it quits. Walk. Run. Walk, look Ferd puddles, I walked the length of the puddles so Ferd could have a good slurp from each one. Run. Walk. Turn garmin display to distance and time. OMG that can't be right I'm heading to an amazing PB. Run. Nope can't keep it up, walk. Right I'm running this last bit and we are even going to speed up, not quite a spring finish but phew we finished.

With lots of PB records:
Fastest 1k - 6.34
Fastest mile - 10.45
Fastest 5k - 37.55

Offical parkrun time was 38.25, that's a whole minute and a smigde off of last week.

Really proud of myself and Ferd.

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