
4years 312days

5sleeps to go- labels are almost all sewn in to her uniform

Baby F came to play today. Except he's not such a baby anymore. Definitely becoming a toddler. He said Katie's name as soon as he arrived - the first words I have heard him say. He and Katie sat and ate crackers at the little table before they started colouring. F loves her play kitchen too. They had a really nice morning.

We headed to town in time for her final swim lesson of the block. She was very excited that they were allowed to jump from the starters blocks again today. We headed back to the library to do some computer stuff - we were both extremely excited to be sorting out things for OUR NEW CAR that we are getting tomorrow.

When we got home we went for tea with friends. It was a fair size gathering, but the children were super good and I even got to have cuddles with baby Ted and "ice-bucket" my friends

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