
By PurpleJane

Just 2 Lucky!!

I have NEVER in ALL MY LIFE been 'lucky' enough to find a four leafed clover.
Today I was thinking of all that's going on at the moment in our lives and actually walking along, as I always do in areas of clover, looking for a four leafed clover in amongst the zillions of three leafed clover.

Imagine my utter amazement when Bramble stopped and my search came to an end :-)))

I began to doubt years ago that they existed, thinking that is was more likely that people had found a shamrock plant which has four parts to its leaf normally, but my belief was back!
I then continued my walk looking even more diligently and amazingly found two more!
These probably were on the same plant as they were close as can be seen. If anyone should doubt me please be assured I'm no good at tricks in my photography!!

I did used to fabricate four leafed clovers as a child by pushing a stalk with one leaf in with a normal clover and holding tight near the top, it was quite convincing ;-)

The spooky thing is, I was going to blip a large patch of clover with the title 'Can You See The Lucky One?' and had already taken the shot! I knew there wasn't one but one of you may have wasted time looking ;-/

I'm positive all the future events I'm worrying about are all going to work out fine now :-))

Sent from my iPad

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