The Winning Ticket!
'Look, look everyone - I've won, I've won! I've got the winning ticket!'
Honestly this cracked me up this morning, one Pukeko running like a mad thing to a goup of others with this most guarded piece of paper, it does look like the winning ticket to me and he rightly thought so. Not wanting to share the ticket but wanting everyone to know, his little legs couldn't take him fast enough to share his news with his friends - had to be my blip today, even though a little blurred.
Had some time for a stroll, a little gardening and some more editing of photos. I'll be glad when those holiday shots are done and dusted and I can move onto something else, not sure why I took so many shots! At present I'm working on our day in Skippers Canyon, what an amazing place to explore - bringing back some memories.
Other news Mrs Blackbird is working like crazy making her nest in our clematis outside Daughter A's bedroom window. Yesterday it was dry material of big fat broadleaf leaves, today its been thin pieces of twigs and some wet slimy long thin leaves, I wonder when she'll be finished.
Time for an afternoon cuppa while I give my eyes a rest from the screen.
Happy Sunday everyone :)
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