Being THAT One Daily

By claudinequinn

On the (noisy) back burner...

A vague fascination with tension and straining of arms and hands led to one of those classic late-evening "gammy flash in the living room" moments with a reluctant photo bloke.

You know, the sort of situation where you find yourself barking horribly and turning into a troll (or Annie Leibovitz) ...

"Ok lift one arm up... and the other one up, up....with the flash over you head...I need your right arm at a sharper angle... no the other right... that's a wider angle... more in... no that's out... towards you... a bit more towards me... out... a bit...just bring it an inch away from the wall... Lovely jubbly!.... Perfecto... Don't move. Hang on, your sleeve is showing... Woosh it a smidgen... can it roll?... do you want me to...Nice one! Ok...Now clench your fist as tightly as is humanly possible... more strain... a bit more ... it needs to cut off your fingers' circulation... more... OK!!! RIGHT...Hold it.... [pause for shutter... open bulb] OK! Now fire the flash in your other hand... tilt it a bit more.. no OTHER way... NO OTHER WAY!! Perfect... let's just try ONE more...

No idea what the plan is here, just a noisy and nasty sketch of an idea I suppose. It's quite nice sometimes to muck about and refreshing to not give a flying monkey's about the outcome... (well maybe just a small, midget lemur amount of care about result)

Portable flash with snoot and other BLING appearing this weekend so will do some actual proper shots.

Thanks for all the support and chat lads! The past 3 days has been really enjoyable!

I'll try to devote time on some serious Blipwatching this weekend to get to know what everyone's up to!

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