The new tractor driver.

Woo hoo! I got to drive the new tractor we have on demo. It is so easy to drive. Just like an automatic car but a whole heap bigger. Incredible turning circle too, and very responsive. Power steering is brill . I always have a rule that I can drive any tractor we have on the place, as occasionally I have to move things around or even very occasionally have to tow trailers. Anyway I like to have a drive on these beautiful beasts. Being quite short this make me feel very tall! You will also note that Pip is very interested. She wanted to join me in the cab but Mr Tbay kept a close eye on her.

Farming - Raymond is here as I write this cleaning up the forager and preparing for a bit of whole-cropping tomorrow . Weather is looking good for a few days again which will be lovely. Mr Tbay is busy mowing lawns as they have nearly got away from him.

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