Shorter walk

The plan was that we'd go for a long walk up 'round Bull Pot and then down to see Andy Goldsworthy's sheepfolds.

However, a longer than anticipated afternoon nap - a rather epic nap in the Minx's case - meant that we weren't even in a position to go out until seven o'clock. So, in the end, we opted for a stroll down to Devil's Bridge, back up alongside the Lune, up the Radical Steps to Ruskin's View*, and then out to Underley Farm, which is the first place I lived in Kirkby Londsdale. (Well, nearly in.)

The actual photo was taken just upstream from Devil's Bridge, which is what I was standing on when I took this picture last week.

Anyway, it was a lovely evening for a walk and three miles was just enough to clear away the sleepy cobwebs and get our appetites primed for dinner.

*The Minx took this shot from just along the path.

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