Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx


Today, nobody

needed a Night Garden story told over and over
told Grandpa he was stoopid
built the greatest dam ever and fought the tide
turned the hydrangea heads into confetti for a game
played Makka Pakka stones
sizzled sausages
went swimming and body surfing in the icy Clyde
had a great game of quiet golf
needed a push on the swings
played on the iPad until it was red hot
wore sunglasses squint indoors
went to Coast for a milk shake
put crocs on the wrong feet
caught crabs from the jetty
gave the best cuddles ever
filled the cottage and the garden with happy noise
made grandma and grandpa laugh

So it's a gazania blip instead. Loved our two weeks with the ' hoodlums' and their mum & dad, and their extra visitors last weekend.

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