
By hannahstar

Beach Trip

Another very late backblip!

Today we went to Exmouth beach. Some of us younger leaders sat on the beach wrapped up in the parachute to keep warm!
Then a few of us went into the town to buy a few things. Grace and I bought some bluberries and raspberries. We also got a box of Thorntons chocolates and some Shloer for an evening celebration for Ruth and Anna's GCSE grades - which were really good! We got back from the town a bit late and everyone was waiting for us so that we could go - whoops!! :P

On the way home, the Reading minibus broke down! (And I was travelling in it!) It's been playing up quite a bit recently.
Anyway, so most of the girls had to move into another minibus and car. Grace, 2 of the girls and I (and obviously the driver) were left in the minibus and we sat around for quite a while as they tried to ring various people to try and figure out what to do. Eventually they started up the minibus again and managed to drive it very slowly back to Rora. We got back very late and so had a shorter Bible study. We were also all really tired so it was a bit quieter than usual and I couldn't think straight!

In the evening we had our little celebration for Ruth and Anna which was fun.
See Anna's photo. This photo that I am using was also taken by Anna as I didn't take any today - so thanks Anna! :)

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