Nat's Travels

By natstravels

Cotswold Classic Middle Distance Triathlon 2014

The day has finally arrived, 8months in the waiting!!!
Up at 4.30am in the water at 6.30am, there was a lovely moment of calm when I was in the water waiting to start and the sun just coming up, the tension and buzz it was great.

The swim didn't go to plan I missed a dingy that I had to swim round and headed for the wrong dingy, only to be stopped by a canoeist who sent me back on track, I think I wasted 5mins on my detour.

On the bike all going well until about mile 30 when my rear tyre blew so I had to replace the inner tube and then I was off, praying that I wouldn't get another puncture!

2miles in to the run I got a pain in my left knee that was worse on the off road sections, well over the next 11miles it got progressively worse and more painful. Come the last mile I knew I was nearly home was thinking you've done 69 miles only 1more to go you are not going to stop now!

And the over the line and cheered on by friends it was the best feeling, finished a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. A really great day which was tough and now I hurt but it was worth it.

Now having had a ice bath I'm sat on the sofa with my compression socks on and ready to go to bed, one tired but happy half ironman distance triathlete!

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