Loch Ness

"Did you spot her Bud?"

"Spot who Poppy?"

"Nessie, Bud, Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster"

"Monster what monster, no-one told me about a monster"

"Everyone knows about Nessie Bud, she lives deep down in the Loch, just waiting for unsuspecting, posing little spaniels standing on that very rock. Very quietly she swims under the water until she's got the spaniel in her sights and then she..............."

"She what, what Poppy, what does she do?"

"The Monster, the huge, terrifying Nessie Monster then ......................................... just teasing Bud, everyone knows there's no monster, it's just a story."

We had a lovely walk along the shores of Loch Ness. No monster to be seen, just lots of soldiers creating obstacles for the Loch Ness Beast Race on Saturday. This is a 10km obstacle race that takes place in and alongside the Loch. Good luck to them.

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