
By Farmerboab

Bramble time

A day of breakages today -must be a Monday. Text from one of the lads,"can't make it today,be back tomorrow". So days plans all to pot by 7.30am. Went to bale rest of the silage I cut on Friday only for baler to get a flat tyre. Fixed that,then "Break it Bill " forgot to uncouple trailer hoses and lights before dropping the trailer off- result a hose stretched till the end snapped off pulling the brake coupling on tractor out of place,lost about 5 gallons of oil and ripped the light socket to bits. All by 9am.
Wrapped the bales then went off to bale damp wheat straw down the road but had to stop when the bales started to look like zebras with black stripes of wet straw through them.
Roll on Tuesday !
Never got time for lunch,so had a feed of these brambles from the hedge to keep me going !

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