Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

My Personal Maid

The Mistress of the House very kindly lent me her Maid for the evening, who took one look at the dust and headed straight for the vacuum cleaner. The Maid was thrilled that I was so up to late with the one of the most powerful cleaners available today, and soon had the house gleaming. I didn't have the heart to tell her that the Government, in its infinite green thinking wisdom, had passed a law prohibiting the manufacture and sale of vacuums over 1600 watts from today. So the next time I have to buy a new vacuum, it will be a low wattage beast and take twice as long to clean up - probably using more energy than the law is intended to save!

The Maid is one of my 1/12th scale models, who, by the effect of Forced Perspective, is pushing my real life vacuum around the landing as part of TerryBob's September Challenge.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, the law about powerful vacuum cleaners is a fact!

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