minutes from disaster

This is the only photo I took today. It was taken from the end of our track just before I set off with Ophelia to our Infant Massage class.

When I was driving down the road, I lost control of the car on the snow and ice. We live at the top of a very steep hill and as the car got further and further down, it picked up more and more speed. It was swerving from side to side and narrowly missed the ditches on each side. At the bottom of the hill where the lane joins the main road at a t-junction, I couldn't stop and had to plough onto the main road, hoping against hope that nothing was coming. Luckily nothing was, and also luckily the road hadn't as much snow and wasn't as slippery, so I was able to make a sharp turn and eventually retain control the car. I was still shaking when I got to the class.

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