
By kevinG

Long Island Adventure Park

Woke up to go to LIAP. Woke up too early so I went back to sleep for 45 minutes.

Woke up and ate Oreos for breakfast.

Drove to LIAP and met Aunt Geri, Joe, Annie, and Sarah there. We got there just before the park opened and were the first ones there.

Gave us our harnesses and gloves. Explained the safety systems that they have. They were simple and foolproof.

You had to start on either a yellow path (easiest) or a green path (second easiest). Mom and Aunt Geri started on yellow while we started on green. I went last the whole time.

Green was fun and we moved on to blue. My picture was taken on blue.

Moved on to black. Black was very hard. I got sick on an obstacle with triangular rings and considered asking a staff member to come and get me. Thankfully, I pulled myself up and somehow finished.

After black we sat down and had some bars. While on black, Mom had to be taken down from blue because she couldn't get through an obstacle.

Annie and Joe went to double black so I had to try. Even if I had to be taken down I told myself I had to try. Sarah followed suit.

This course was easier than black in my opinion. Sarah had to be taken down because she couldn't finish a rope loop course.

Afterwards I realized I had sweat everywhere. My chest and stomach had coated my shirt with it. I didn't even know I sweat there; that's never happened to me before. I also made the poor decision of wearing jeans and it was very hot. When I got home my jeans were soaked worse than the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Took a nap.

Took a shower.

Dad picked me up and we ate dinner at Thom Thom.

Went to Krish's for ice cream. I got three scoops of chocolate which was so much bigger than I pictured it.

Went home and watched TV.

Going to bed now.


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