Just in case

Took this shot with my phone.....called at Bicester village on my way back from my trip to Berkshire.....did a quick walk around ( wasted one hour) and I still needed some lunch but didn't have time to do a sit down so bought a duck roll and water and ate them in the car......but then my petrol light came on so I had to stop at the next service area on the M40.... Cherwell valley.......filled up.......then guess what ? got back on the M40 going back to whence I came.....towards a London.......argggggh !!!!!!!
So had to come off at the next exit then get back on.....at least it was only 7 miles back
It could have been worse........some hold ups on the way back.....but got home safely.

All systems go now packing and getting organised for my next jaunt
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that none of my friends forget and comment on Facebook.......that will blow our cover for a great surprise.

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