Keith B

By keibr

More new students and a good day!

Yesterday I was looking after 150 new students - today it was this small group of 6 international students from various European countries who are here for one term. Everything worked today, we sorted out yesterday's mess as best we could and I went home feeling tired but happy.
As we drove home we decided to emulate yesterday's "after work" activities but this time down at the lake and with our swimming stuff.
I really wondered how cold it was as I stood looking at the water. We've had a run of chilly days (16°) and some cold (8°) nights since the warmth of the long summer. "Oh, go for it!" I said to myself and jumped in. It was cold! Not breathtakingly so but cold enough I wasn't going to swim too far out. I swam around for a couple of minutes while Janet eased herself in (How could she get in slowly!?) and then for a couple of minutes with her.
Then it was out to lie on the sun-warmed rocks and to drink light beer and eat crisps.
There is something very lovely about these late summer warm periods. As far as I can remember this is the first time I've swum "wild" in September - how far can we push the swimming I wonder. (Last Friday the sea was much warmer than the lake today.)

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