Is It Really Today?

Uugh, alarm at 6:30am? I don't think so! At least that's what my head was saying! As a protest, and because it was a late night, I didn't get to bed until after 1am. No wonder I didn't feel good after 5 hours sleep.

All cloudy and cold this morning wasn't exactly motivating either. By 9am it was bright and blue sky, as I toddled off to school. We had an Inset day today. I thought most of it was trivia, quite honestly, and there was a lot of face-palming and eye-rolling in my head. The talk about fire safety was extremely useful however, and was time well spent.

We had so much to do, and as the hours ticked by, you start to get a bit panicky thinking of all that needs to be done. Somehow we got most of it done, so we should be able to hit the ground running tomorrow.

It's so hard to get back into a routine though. When I came home at 5pm, the day had pretty much disappeared, and I felt a little bit cheated, particularly as it smelled like and felt like summer today.

The gardner's did all my long awaited work, and it looked really good. I collected a few things I needed for work tomorrow, and then went to Waitrose for supplies.

I really wanted to go to gym tonight, but as this might be my only evening in this week, I decided that soup, a bath, and down time are in order. And this pic is testament to that!

I can't believe it starts again tomorrow. I'm quite keen right now, but I expect the novelty will soon wear off.

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