Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Day with Auntie Katie & Ryan

Auntie Katie was an absolute star today. She picked Orla and Conor up this morning and took Orla to school, then looked after Conor all morning alongside Ryan. This is them having their lunch of home-made mac n' cheese with sun-dried tomatoes, basil and broccoli. She then dropped Conor at nursery, picked Orla up from school (and took her with her to visit a friend and her baby - Orla was only bothered about their dog) then picked Conor up from nursery. By the time I got home, she had dinner (chicken tacos) well underway. I took over for a bit, supervising dinner and doing Orla's homework. Ryan and I had a very funny conversation about Star Wars. He likes it, his dad loves it, but his mum doesn't. She was most offended when I told her.

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