
By cabbagetree


Dandelion Taraxacum officinale

It was a gloomy morning as usual, then suddenly the clouds lifted and the sun came out. It's been patchy, but instead of a solid grey mass the clouds are white and fluffy against a deep blue sky.

Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday. They made worthwhile the possible loss of any good reputation I had left. As you can understand, photographing a hanging drop of water when the light's not good, and there's a bit of a breeze blowing, takes a great deal of attention. My concentration was abruptly broken by the sound of a single handclap. I looked up. Just across the road was a group of about 15 schoolchildren and their teacher. They were all staring at me, but in one movement they all turned and looked the other way. They could not see what I was doing. Ah, well. Perhaps the sight of the funny old lady standing hunched over in her garden and not moving for ages will make interesting speculation. That single clap was no doubt a test to see if I was actually alive. The things we do for a blip.

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