
By FotoAlex

Dream street

I had a dream about this street a few weeks ago. The dream is as follows.*

I was walking around my neighborhood at night. I turned down a street and saw a great scene. There was a bicycle standing up in the road. A streetlight lit it from behind. I didn't have my camera on me for some reason, so I turned around and jogged for a little bit to get home. A man on a bike closely passed me.

Now I was walking instead of jogging, and it was daytime. I walked on the sidewalk on the main road by my apartment. I heard a loud noise behind me and turned around. A gas tanker truck was crashing. It veered into the other lane. The truck in that lane slowed down, but they clipped. The gas truck crashed into the trees next to the golf course. The truck behind it stopped and pulled in to the trees too. Other trucks did the same. I wished I had my camera then too.

I got closer to my apartment. Two men were walking in the opposite direction I was. When we passed, I nodded at them. One of them recognized me and said my name. He looked familiar, but I had no idea how I knew him. We shook hands. He said he'd see me Wednesday at something (it was vague), and I nodded.

* I keep a dream journal. It's how I'm able to remember so many details. I dream several times a night, but usually I only remember one or two, if at all.

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