Storm Watching

This is my little old man cozying up to his cup of hot chocolate and watching the tail end of the wild storm that came sweeping through our town this afternoon. Check out these pictures from Alex's soccer practice where we watched the storm roll in over the fields. In the first one, the kids are running back to the sidelines after the coach said we should take a break because of lightning. In the second picture, we notice the crazy clouds off to the right and we only had seconds before we were caught in a torrential downpour of sideways hail and crazy strong wind. We couldn't get to the car soon enough and then we had to sit in the car for about 10 min before I had enough visibility to drive home. That was a first for me!

Tonight, Alex finally yanked his second tooth out that he's been working on for a while. Two teeth gone now, right before the start of school tomorrow. . . lovely. ;)

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