An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



Or Mowzel as I learned it is pronounced :))

Guys golfing again today so Ele and I took ourself off on a wee tour stopping at various places including Mullion Cove (where we had lunch and bought some gifts) and Porthleven.

Back home then we all headed out for dinner to the Godolphin Arms in Marazion. Sat outside on the beach terrace. Originally the waitress tried to get 6 of us to squeeze onto a picnic table that would have seated 4 at a push. We politely declined and spotted a larger table nearby.

Had a great meal and great night. All of us making the most of the second last night of our holiday (and the last night where we could all fully relax and enjoy ourselves without thinking about the journey home :-( )

It got even funnier as we left the hotel and the rain came on. Ele and I dealing with slippy cobblestones whilst a little merry, was very entertaining apparently!

Back at the holiday house and the drivers were finally able to enjoy a wee refreshment.

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