Buoy oh buoy oh buoy..

Some plug plants arrived today. Ordered them some time ago, and had almost forgotten about them.. Potted on and growing in the greenhouse. A range of 12 different perennial bedding plants, 72 in total.. For a fiver..

Also got a couple of books I'd ordered on the Forest of Dean railways. Know what I'll be looking at tonight..

Pleased with the gateposts, but not had time to hang the gate. Tomorrows job.

Harvest for the hotel, and J&O. Saw baby Lutza for the first time. She was very premature, and has only come home recently.

Saw this shot as I returned from the lodge, it's been overcast and still for most of the day and this summed is up. Perfect weather for the wee beasties!!

Music, is this really 56 years old?..

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