
By PurpleJane

Naked Eye

We view the world every day with our naked eyes, though perhaps like me you are helped by a pair of trendy specs? ;-) I do spend more time, since joining 'Blip', looking at the world through a camera lens now which is fun.

I heard recently that some bands have banned their audiences using mobiles to video the concerts as they don't feel that people watching their performances through the screen on a mobile does them justice! I quite agree. I have often volunteered to be a casual photographer for family events and have realised afterwards that I've missed out on the whole picture when focusing on one person.

I hadn't intended in this photo to get the reflection of the camera but I thought it was quite fun.
I have never been able to ascertain what colour my eyes are, any ideas?
Today I have the CAMERA in my LENS!!

Sent from my iPad

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