Photography is a by product of manliness
Top of todays list was to cut down a tree in the back garden over the fence. the Larch tree being removed has been a family member for many years now. Originally rescued from he roadside in a forrest, this tree has been the centre of family Christmas celebrations for too long to remember. By now, the keener gardeners/botanists among you will be questioning the logic of having a Larch tree for christmas because it loses it's needles by winter. Something we didn't know until the second year of needle shedding and a very confused father of mine calling the Potting Shed on BBC Radio Scotland. Hed the fantasic reply about his "liberating" of the pine tree... the most hillarious response along the lines of 'don't be so cheap and go to a garden centre'. Larch trees shed their needles every year!
So, the life of this much decorated tree came to an end today. Brother and I took the axe to it, stopping it from interfering with the telephone wires above. While we went through the chopping process, this wood wasp appeared and eventually settled on a space to do it's thing and I grabbed this picture! After this, it was time to hit the former workplace to catch up with Laura, Gabor and Jenna.
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