and through the wire...

By hesscat

It's just A Wee Blue Book

After watching "The Bigger The Lie" (Media Bias in the Scottish Independence Referendum) a few nights ago, I thought I'd go on to read "The Wee Blue Book". I've watched the majority of the debates over the past few months, but when anyone began bandying all the figures about, it became like a game of top trumps!

But I read it tonight, it only took 90 minutes or so - once I started it was impossible to stop. All I can say is that it was a real eye-opener for me and I learned things about our political union I was unaware of. As I watched tonight's debate, the figures used by both sides became so much more relevant and I could understand where they were coming from.

I really wish I had had this information many months ago and it is really disappointing our media had never challenged figures being quoted instead just going for scare stories. It's only fair both sides are sufficiently represented.

Anyway, I have attempted to not express a political view here, as I don't wish to get into my own debate on blip, but if you have not read this book then I highly recommend you do.

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