Field Bio
I'm baaaaaaccccckkk!
The past few weeks have been hectic: getting home, packing, back to Ithaca, unpacking, getting settled in, and starting class. I still may upload a few photos that I've taken in the weeks that I've missed.
Today was a really long day. Soils, economics, Gannett, and field bio lab. Field bio was great though; we walked around Beebe Lake again for tree ID purposes, and bumped into Stephen Morreale, who is in the Department of Natural Resources. He had just caught a ton of herps, so we got to take a look at a huge snapping turtle, garter snake, a bunch of tadpoles, and a bullfrog.
I made really good "Hermit Bars" when I got home, and Sarah came over for a bit. I was supposed to do a lot of work tonight, but I haven't done anything since 4:30.
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