Fox Holes

While the north of Germany continues to enjoy Görge, we down here in the south are having to put up with Angelika returning. Thought she had disappeared eastwards but seems she got as far as the Ukraine, got a fright and is now heading back west.

We haven't noticed any insurgents around the hen house but was dismayed on our walk to discover a series of newly dug foxholes just a few yards from the horse field, a field the chickens use daily fot their excursions.

The earth is very freshly dug but strangely Luna showed no interest at all. Quite pleased in so far as she won't keep disappearing in to the forest to collect more ticks. Will have to keep an eye on developments.

I learnt last year from MrB, after I found a badger dead on the road next to our driveway, that foxes and badgers use the same holes and come to a peace agreement. Would be nice if some humans learnt to do this instead of taking up entrenched positions.

A certain wily red fox has got an awful lot to answer for and that includes our winter weather.

Slowly recovering from Monday and even took my mobile phone to hand for the first time, starting to answer messages etc. Still some clearing up to do on emails, Facebook etc. Please bear with me, those still waiting for a reply.

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