Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

What a beautiful day

We met up with two of the girls from work and their little ones
Ollie is now 5 months and is such a happy chap full of smiles.
Jesse is now 10 weeks and was a delight although Claire bless he is struggling. He isn't sleeping well at night and has reflux but she had to take him off the gaviscon as he was constipated and wasn't sleeping because of that. A lot of the problems she described sounded the same as the issues we had with the boys before they went on the prescription milk. So I suggested she see about trying Jesse on it. Fingers crossed they find a solution soon she's worn out (I remember that time).

We met up at Garnwent a Natural Resources Wales (former forestry commission) site and it was lovely really clean and tidy, nice cafe and beautiful views.

The boys must have enjoyed it as they had a mega sleep about 90 minutes in total.
But for the second night in a row they refused to go to sleep. Elliot fell asleep finally by 8:30ish Isaac however didn't go off till gone 9. Not as bad as the night before when at 10pm I had to take Isaac out in the car to get him to sleep!!
One day we might have an easy bed time no idea when that will be tho!

I'm hoping tomorrow night is better

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