the turk returns

By skyedog


As he replaced the stone lid back onto the Tomb,
he heard screaming voices from within the Tomb,
he smiled to himself, knowing that they would never
be found. "it will take a few hours, but one by one
they will surely die", he said to himself. He headed
back up the snowy path towards the gateway.

In his humble lodgings he sat beside a fire of
dying embers, He lit a candle and began to count
his money. "Easy pickings" he said to himself.
He rubbed his hands together and grinned at the
thought of the young men`s expressions when they
opened the chest. "All there dreams came true", he
smirked "if only for a short while". The fake ruby, as
big as a mans fist and covered with a glistening substance,
which, when exposed to light, would explode into glowing
particles of light, rebounding from wall to wall, exaggerating
the wealth of the ruby, he grinned, even the greediest of men
would be in ore of such a sight, again he chuckled to himself.

In the old tavern the old trader sits, waiting, for some young
or not so young impressionable minds to tell his tale to.
He`d name his price for the tale and were to find the treasure
of `SALADIN`. He had not long to wait.

A young traveler was pointed in his direction by the inn keeper,
"that`s him over there" he said " goes by the name of krut "
the inn keeper added, " it will cost you a pretty coin or two".

So the tale begins again



TURK;D.....or should that be `KRUT` :O)

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