Wistful moments

By KathM

Farne Islands

What a fantastic weekend away.
We travelled up to Seahouses yesterday and pitched a tent on a lovely site nearby. After a night supping a few ales and finishing off with a curry we woke fairly bright and early and headed off in glorious sunshine to the harbour where we booked onto a small boat which did a tour of the Farne islands. There was plenty of birdlife although the puffins we had hoped to see have all left to go and winter out at sea. We did however see plenty of seals basking in the sunshine, and we passed Grace Darling's lighthouse before landing on Inner Farne to wander around for an hour.
It was only a short break away and that evening we headed home passing the rather splendid Angel of the North en-route.
Now to work out where the next mini adventure will be. Watch this space!! :-))

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