Bucket of damsons

Today's the day ..................... to pick

Does anyone want some damsons?

We're overwhelmed with them. We've got them by the bucketful - and we've only got two quite small trees in the garden. I've never seen anything like it. The conditions must have been just right back in the spring when the trees were in flower - so that all the blossom has turned into fruit.

Of course, that's how it goes with damsons. Some years, you literally don't get any - which I suppose makes you all the more pleased to see them when there is a good year. So it's going to be damson jam, chutney, pickled damsons, damson gin, jelly, puree and anything else we can think of. It's just a shame those stones are such a devil to dispose of.

Mmmmmh ...........Anybody want some damsons .....................?

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