Looking up...

By tralala

I got there in the end

Today is my official 365th entry and so I've drawn a little cartoon to celebrate!

It has taken me a lot longer than 365 days to get here - hence the snail - because I stopped blipping a couple of years ago and then started again in January. Since January I haven't missed a day and so I will be even more delighted when I actually get to 365 days in a row.

I am enjoying it so much more this time around because I've accepted that my journal is about my life, not about worrying whether my pictures are good enough for public consumption. If I have a busy day - and there are many of them - well, a picture of the dog will just have to do if I want to succeed in my goal of 365 in a row.

I changed my journal title to Looking up a while back for two reasons. One was a feeling of optimism after a tough few years, and the other was a comment on how blipping has altered me. I find myself looking around and noticing things more, seeing things differently, looking at things from a different angle. It's a good lesson for life. I hope it will also help me become a better photographer, although at the moment I feel hindered by a lack of time (I know, excuses!).

I think it's fantastic that there's a photography website that isn't just for already exceptional photographers - although there are plenty of those here - but is also welcoming and encouraging to people like me who just like taking photos.

As everyone always says, it's the community that makes this such a fun and friendly site, so thanks to you guys and to blip central.

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