Lali's World

By Lali


An abstract today

All these tangled metal rods used to belong to a building that has been waiting for years to be demolished in Leith Walk. This is what is left now apart from some rubble. I wonder what they will build in that space once it's cleared...

I played with the image a little bit, just for fun.

It's been a really busy day at work and I'm tired. Tomorrow I'm off, but I'll spend most of my day going to buy the ingredients for a cake and doing some baking. It will be a four tier cake, so I have a few sponges to bake and then freeze. I'll try and get as much done as I can, as I'll be working all weekend.

So, no rest for me tomorrow... I'll have a lie in, though! :)

I may not have time to blip tomorrow, we'll see...

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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