
By Lexialex5

Starbucks All the Way

Another fact about me is that I'm a huge Starbucks fan. Everything from the Chai's to the Frappuccino's, I absolutely love. Theres even a thing called the secret menu that features drinks made up by customers and baristas to mimic the flavor of something else (for example, the pixie stix refresher which doesnt taste like pixie stix, but it does indeed taste like ketchup). I even make the drinks at home with simple ingredients...
Starbucks is literally like a drug... If my mother is going somewhere (whether it be shopping, or a doctors appointment), im there if i know theres a starbucks nearby... If you tasted their vanilla macchiato, you understand. Its very rare that i drink any coffee brands besides Starbucks simply because I find them utterly repulsive. Yesterday, I was picked up from school and was taken to the orthodontist in Pottsville.
As you may already know, the nearest Starbucks to Pottsville is Reading and my mother wasnt ready to drive out of the way just for a coffee that "we could get just anywhere". So I leveled down and bought an iced coffee at McDonalds (which i've had once befoe, a long tome ago) and I must say, it tasted like a rotton banana with a little bit of ice thrown in.. Blah

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