Firstly, thankyou for all the kind comments on Phoebe's starring role in Little Bo Peep!!

A very busy day today. After work took Adrian around Longrun meadow and although he is still nervous around Phoebe, soon began to enjoy being out with us. Still asks for "A cup of tea" all around the walk but we enjoyed some good eye contact.

Took the camera with me and it had to be a very quick blip as my eyes were fully occupied on what he was doing and picking up. This honey bee caught my eye on what seemed to be wild cumphrey but couldn't be sure.

After I returned back with him he was a bit upset when I came to leave and it never gets any easier.

Since returning I have managed to solder 24 dragon fly wings in preperation of tomorow's return to my stain glass course. Have a lot to get done in 4 hours!!

So after cooking dinner etc. I am shattered. Tomorrow night we have tickets to see Clair Teal here in Stogumber Church and we are looking forward to it.

I hope you have all seen the sun today. It has been great to feel warm again as I'm not ready for the cold yet (am I ever?!). Wishing you all a peaceful night. xx

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